Friday, August 20, 2010

Blame it on the rain...

Greetings from Salzburg all!  Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I was busy hoping and praying for better weather in Verditz, which finally came today...when we left Verditz.  Anyway, Jess and I did manage to get out of the hotel for a bit each day this week. After wandering Villach on Monday, clouds settled in to stay for a while and a chilling cold front swept through Verditz.  Tuesday,  we did some blueberry and raspberry picking from the wild bushes growing along the path up the mountain.  We've been putting them in our yogurt, granola, icecream, breadpudding, and whatever else we could.  The berries were small, but had a mighty good flavor.  Wednesday, we were hopeful enough about the weather to go down to the lake.  The sun shone for approximately 10 minutes before gray rain clouds blocked the rays.  The rain came about 30 minutes after that.  We made our way back up to the hotel and hitched a ride with Alicia and Glenda, who were coming back from the grocery store.  The rest of the afternoon was spent napping and playing cards.  The afternoon of our last full day in the BML, Thursday, was spent hiking up the mountain to try and catch some better views than Saturday. It was a success!!!  No rain and we hiked a little further up in order to get some better views of the Alps in Northern Italy!  I also ran into the coolest looking house cat I've ever seen.  I'm convinced it's part ocelot or some other mountain cat.  I've posted pics of it, so if you have some input, I'd love to hear.  Paul and Alicia served us a wonderful dinner on our last night of homemade tomato soup, chicken schnitzel, Austrian fries, and a salad.  The dinner was topped off with some bread pudding Glenda made, with a little help from Jess and I. 

Today, we awoke to the first sun we've had in a while.  The chores were done efficiently and expertly.  After making 7-10 beds and sweeping/mopping the entire first floor of a hotel every day for a week, you get pretty darn good at it.  Regular chores should be a cinch.  We had some champagne, said our goodbyes and then were driven to the train station.  Our train compartment was jammed full and hot, but the scenery was beautiful because the tracks went straight through the Alps.  Our hostel is just a short walk from the train station and now here we sit. We were sad to leave all the wonderful people we met at the blue mountain hotel, but we are also very excited to start on our new adventure.  Tomorrow, we plan to visit all the Sound of Music sights, so get ready for some amazing pics!



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